
People powered housing

Communities coming together to build and renovate much-needed homes in the UK

Learn about community led housing


Find out how communities came together to address housing needs in their areas with support and funding from the Community Housing Fund Start Up Support Programme.

Read about the Start Up Support Programme

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People across the UK are creating community led housing. Here are just a few ways they're doing it...

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Start Up Support Programme report!

The Start Up Support Programme helped groups of local people or existing community organisations to develop their own community led housing solutions.

Featured resources

Get up to speed on what community led housing is and all its ins and outs

Community Led Housing Toolkit

This toolkit was developed by Ecology, HACT, LandAid and Nationwide Foundation to give local authority and housing professionals an in-depth guide to community led housing.

Housing by the community, for the community

This independent report by Capital Economics proves what the community led housing sector has instinctively known all along: the benefits of community led housing far outweigh the public investment.

A Planner’s Guide to Community Led Housing

This Community First Yorkshire guide provides advice and case studies for those looking to support community led housing delivery through Local Plan policy, Development Management practice and Neighbourhood Plans.



people are members of community led housing groups



increase in CLTs in a decade (from 14 to 311)



community led homes in the pipeline